Whether you’re in an audition room, or submitting your audition virtually from a living room, success tastes the sweetest when you can be yourself and own your audition.

This workshop pulls back the curtain to reveal why it’s important to be yourself in an audition and explores how to prepare for that audition – from both sides of the table.  Geared towards all levels of experience, from the student preparing for their first audition to emerging directors looking to gain some tips on running the room, the workshop will cover all facets from where to find or post your audition calls to how to prepare for the audition room and to how to manage all the factors beyond your control.  Avery Jean Brennan (They/Them) and Michelle Langille (She/Her) will draw from their personal experiences of auditioning, casting a show and how their experiences as Directors has influenced their audition skills as performers.


Priority registration will be given to U of T Students. Others can secure a spot in the workshop for a minimal fee.


Event Ended

  • Date: Tue, Aug 25, 2020
  • Time & Duration: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm (EST) (2h)
  • Room: Zoom login details coming soon