Susan Aaron is a resident of Tkoronto, residing with and revitalizing watershed life. She is in the social justice education EDD focus at OISE and the University of Toronto environmental collaborative program.

She brings to this project her years of applying a Masters of Drama from the University of Toronto, and other academic education to selective reviewing and research of the arts nationally and internationally including digital and site specific work, broader input to science and social science in relation to culture and nature, and arts based research considering place. She has taught at the University of Toronto Mississauga campus in the women’s studies program using social justice informed notions of place and communication. Her environmental practice includes hands on work in the forests of Toronto with the city. She has integrated into her research walks revealing the alteration of the watersheds by Western culture and their potential revival. She does ongoing input to policy to ensure that sustainable watersheds are a function of life. Her participation in this performance is a tangible act of engaging with Indigenous studies to fulfill the need to be guided by Indigenous people’s title and informed actions to land.

For Hart House Theatre:

  • Encounters at the “Edge of the Woods” (Debut)