Jenny Blackbird is Nehiyaw from Kehewin Cree Nation, Treaty Six Territory & Finnish-Canadian. Jenny is cross appointed with The Centre for Indigenous studies as Outreach Communications and Programming Coordinator and the Ciimaan/Kahuwe’ya/Qajaq Indigenous Language Initiative program coordinator.

Jenny has been volunteering at Aboriginal Legal Services (ALS) since 2008 as a community Auntie for the Giiwedin Anang council, which supports Indigenous families who are navigating through the child welfare system. Jenny also sits on the ALS community council diversion program, as advisory committee member, and council member. She is an old-style jingle dress dancer, hand drummer/singer and a multi-disciplinary artist with a background in fashion design. Jenny is producer and co-host of the “Indigenous Waves” Radio show, on CIUT 89.5 FM at 6 PM Mondays. Jenny is the recipient of the 2016 “Culture Keeper Award” Minaake Award from Native Women’s Resource Center and a 2019 recipient of an IDERD award for the International Day for the Elimination of Racism at University of Toronto. She was also presidential appointee to the Hart House Board of Stewards 2019-2020.

For Hart House Theatre:

  • Encounters at the “Edge of the Woods” (Debut)