If you have not already done so, please create/update your account by following the applicable steps below:
New Accounts
Please note: this process should only be used by adult members. To register children/dependents, please view the information in the section titled ‘Adding dependents to your account’.
- Visit Studio Portrait Photography
- Click the “Sign up” link located in the top right corner of the page.
- Complete the form, making sure all information is accurate. For registrants outside of North America, please DO NOT enter a mailing address when you are completing the New user account form. This field is not mandatory. You will not be able to complete registration with a mailing address that is outside of North America.
- Once you’ve completed the form, click the blue ‘Register’ button at the bottom of the page.
- You will receive an e-mail with instructions on completing your account activation.
Registering for programs
Once you have successfully created your account, you can register for programs/events.
- Visit Studio Portrait Photography
- Locate the program you are interested in registering for and click the ‘Register’ button.
- (If no ‘Register’ button appears, the class may be full or the registration period may not have started. Look for text that explains the status of the program.)
- If you are registering for a child and youth program, read and accept the Informed Consent document. You will also be required to provide or verify emergency contact information.
- Some programs may have additional prompts or questions during the registration process. Please read these carefully and provide requested information.
- You will be taken to a secure external site to provide your payment information, if there is a cost associated with the event/program.
- Once you have successfully provided your payment details, you will receive a receipt by e-mail, as well as confirmation of registration that provides you with the details of your program(s).
Adding dependents to your account
- Visit Studio Portrait Photography
- Log in to your account. For more information on creating or setting up your account, see the sections above.
- Click your username, which should appear in the top right corner of the screen once you have successfully logged in.
- Click the Profile link that appears. Your profile will display, showing your contact information.
- Click the blue ‘Add Family’ button at the bottom of the Personal Information screen.
- Complete the form, ensuring that your dependent’s information is accurate. For child/youth dependents, an accurate birth date is mandatory.
- Click the blue ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the form.
- Repeat steps 5–7 for additional dependents.
For any registration issues, please email the Information Hub.