How does food teach us about culture, community and wellness? What stories and social or political contexts shape our relationship with the food that sustains us?


UTM International Education Centre and Hart House co-present a multi-session journey to explore and expand our understanding of how food informs culture and wellness. Each session will be an interactive conversation, led by a food and culture expert who will share a recipe that is significant to their culture and personal history. 

Students, staff and faculty from all U of T campuses are encouraged to join us to explore the many ways food teaches us about culture and how food creates community, while also learning a tasty recipe and skills to help you in the kitchen.

Sessions are 1-hour long and will include recipe share, open discussion, cooking tips and tricks.

Look out for upcoming sessions by following @harthouseuoft@UTMIEC

Session Format

Food & Culture Facilitators will use a recipe to tell a story about culture in a particular region. Food or ingredients used in this recipe will initiate the conversation around the significance of specific ingredients in histories, cultures, and communities. During the last 15 mins of the session, the facilitator will share a secret cooking technique.

No previous knowledge or experience required


5 pm – 6 pm

Caribbean Perspectives

Plantain is one of the most used fruits across many different cultures. Celebrated and cherished, this fruit has many different uses. We will talk about its history, the flavours and ways to use it while sharing a delicious recipe for you to try on your own!

October Facilitator


University of Toronto Mississauga
UTM International Education Centre
5 pm – 6 pm

Asian Perspectives: A Taste of the Philippines

Rice cakes are ubiquitous among many Asian cultures who have grown and consumed rice for millennia. In the Philippines, rice cakes are their own category of foods called "kakanin". Learn how to make sticky rice cakes (that anyone can make at home!) and how these everyday foods connect their makers to a shared history that shapes global Filipino culture today.

November Facilitator


University of Toronto Mississauga
UTM International Education Centre
5 pm – 6 pm

Indigenous Perspectives

Join Charles Catchpole, an Anishinaabe Chef and Entrepreneur from Couchiching First Nation.


January Facilitator


University of Toronto Mississauga
Equity Diversity Office at UTM
UTM International Education Centre
UTM Centre for Student Engagement
12–1 pm

West African Perspectives: A Taste of Ghana

Jollof rice is one of the most popular customary dishes in most West African nations. This fragrant dish, which includes tomatoes, spices, and patience has many variations—including meats, fish, veggies and more. For this session, Chef Kwame will lead us through an authentic Ghanaian Jollof rice recipe, live from Ghana.

Join us as we learn how to cook a traditional Jollof and how this dish's shared history shapes Ghanaian and other West African cultures today.


February Facilitator


Brought to you in collaboration with UTM International Education Centre (IEC), Centre for International Experience (CIE), and UTSC International Student Centre (ISC).

University of Toronto Mississauga
UTM International Education Centre
University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC)
International Student Centre
Centre for International Experience

Event Metadata

Event Ended

  • Date: Thu, Oct 29, 2020
  • Upcoming Recurrences

    No results found for this timeframe (next 6 months from today).

  • Time & Duration: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm (EST) (1h)
  • Cost:
    • Students, Staff and Faculty


  • Venue: Online via Zoom
  • Event Contact: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

What's On

  1. Sep 14 – Mar 22
  2. Sep 17 – Mar 22
  3. Sep 17 – Dec 17
  4. Sep 17 – Dec 10
  5. Tue, Sep 17
  6. Sep 17 – Sep 24
  7. Sep 18 – Mar 22
  8. Sep 18 – Apr 16