A photograph of the Hart House darkroom.


Social printing session for Camera Club members, whereby a small group prints together in the darkroom. This session is for members who want to print in a social setting, chat with others, and discuss their work and process. Participants should have some prior darkroom experience but do not need to feel entirely comfortable printing independently.

Elnaz will guide members through the printing process and answer questions.

Important: Participants should bring their paper and negatives. Chemistry is supplied.


Event Metadata

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How to register
  • Date: Mon, Jul 8, 2024
    Add to Calendar
  • Upcoming Recurrences
    • Mon, Jul 8, 2024
    • Mon, Jul 22, 2024
  • Time & Duration: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm (EST) (3h)
  • Cost:
    • Camera Club Members


  • Venue:
    Hart House
    7 Hart House Cir,
    Toronto, ON M5S 3H3
    View Map
  • Room: Darkroom
  • Event Contact: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)