My Sneaker Story—Martha Taylor

Episode 3 | Aired on December 18, 2019
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I think the first maybe I think with my Pumas going to high schools like these black Pumas boy from payless shoes to Pumas it was like a leveling up and from that from that from those pair of Pumas it was black then I bought a silver pair then I also had a red pair and because I really like buying the same pair of shoes in different colors and it's just it's so interesting how like growing up as a child like you're basically with how people see you you know if your classmates when you see what they have and then you're looking at your Jesse and it really can affect your whole sense of self but ya know those Pumas really helped me I just transitioned from my Pumas to like air maxes Tim's yeah my sneaker story is a joint production between heart houses hip-hop education program and talking walls series for more information on both please visit Hart House dot CA