This curated conversation uncovers the historical and continuing contributions of women in Hip Hop.


Hart House is pleased to be joining forces with the Fresh, Bold and So Def program at the Universal Hip Hop Museum on this initiative and applauds the tireless work of the museum’s visionaries and volunteers to bring the story of Hip Hop to light and to give it its rightful due in a museum setting.

Honouring Joan Morgan’s concept of “Hip Hop feminism,” this event will showcase three incredible voices, trailblazers and beacons of knowledge who refuse to be tempered, marginalized or erased. Their shared experiences and knowledge of Hip Hop will have you questioning what you thought you knew about the genre.

Truth can’t be found in the voice of any one rapper but in the juxtaposition of many. The keys that unlock the riches of contemporary black female identity lie not in choosing Latifah over Lil’ Kim, or even Foxy Brown over Salt-N-Pepa. They lie at the magical intersection where those contrary voices meet—the juncture where ‘truth’ is no longer black and white but subtle, intriguing shades of gray.

Joan Morgan

Fresh, Bold and So Def (FBSD): Women in Hip Hop

Fresh, Bold and So Def (FBSD) is led by Kashema Hutchins, a Ph. D candidate and Universal Hip-Hop Museum staffer. It began as a Hip-Hop intervention project for women of all ages to empower, cultivate and inspire. FBSD builds upon the foundation laid by the Womanhood Learning Project launched in 2007 at New York University by the Hip-Hop Association and a collective of women who joined forces to tell the story of Hip-Hop as they know it. The goal of the initiative is to document women’s contributions and achievements and build a canon using memorabilia and artifacts. 

UHHM: Fresh, Bold and So Def (FBSD)



Universal Hip Hop Museum
Hip-Hop Education Center

Event Metadata

Event Ended

  • Event Website: Official Website
  • Date: Tue, Mar 8, 2022
  • Time & Duration: 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm (EST) (1h 30m)
  • Cost:
    • General


  • Venue: Online via Zoom
  • Event Contact: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

What's On

  1. Sep 17 – Mar 22
  2. Sep 17 – Dec 17
  3. Sep 17 – Dec 10
  4. Tue, Sep 17
  5. Sep 17 – Sep 24
  6. Sep 18 – Mar 22
  7. Sep 18 – Apr 16
  8. Sep 19 – Dec 5