Real people, relevant and engaging conversations. Becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable

For This Session

2020 has seen many white people “waking up” to race consciousness. Join us for a session that explores white privilege - what is it, and what does it mean? How can we, as white people, increase our capacity to move towards racial justice, that gets beyond social media?

This welcoming and inclusive workshop is designed for white students, faculty and staff who want to build their capacity about privilege and whiteness.

This session is led by white folks for white identified folks at U of T.

If you require an accommodation to join this virtual session, please contact UTM's Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Office at [email protected].


UTM Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Office (EDIO) in partnership with Hart House co-presents Anti-O Convos: Hot Topics Series for Winter 2021.

The purpose of Anti-O Convos (short for, Anti-Oppression Conversations) is to create braver spaces to engage in conversations that explore current events and popular trends in social media, while unmasking misconceptions about various groups/communities/people.

Anti-O Convos aims to normalize conversations around anti-oppression in a respectful way, encouraging participants to share their perspectives and ideas, going beyond the surface level approach. Our hope through this initiative is to bridge current gaps between our diverse communities through dialogues of understanding and respect, and to create more inclusive and sustainable learning environments for students and the broader community.

Each session will include a different speaker, perspective and topic led by students, staff, faculty and/or community members. Look out for upcoming sessions by following @utmedo @harthouseuoft.

Workshop Facilitators


University of Toronto Mississauga
Equity Diversity Office at UTM

Event Metadata

Event Ended

  • Date: Wed, Jan 27, 2021
  • Time & Duration: 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm (EST) (1h 30m)
  • Cost:
    • Students, Staff and Faculty


  • Venue: Online Via Zoom
  • Note: Please note, only those with Utoronto emails, ie.,, will be able to join this online session.
  • Event Contact: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

What's On

  1. Sep 14 – Mar 22
  2. Sep 17 – Mar 22
  3. Sep 17 – Dec 17
  4. Sep 17 – Dec 10
  5. Tue, Sep 17
  6. Sep 17 – Sep 24
  7. Sep 18 – Mar 22
  8. Sep 18 – Apr 16